This is a brand new Hornby R30353TXS GBRf Class 66 66754 "Northampton Saints", the model is DCC Fitted with the HM7000 TXS Triplex Sound. It can negotiate curves with a minimum radius of 438mm, and has a 21pin DCC chip/connection. A need was seen for more modern reliable traction, and EWS were aware of the 15 Class 59's which had been doing sterling work with three operators in the Uk for a number of years, and as such developed a new design based on the 59. The new class was designated Class 66 under TOPs and EWS ordered 250.
The first loco arrived in June 1998, the order being completed in December 2001. The Class 66 are a Co-Co, with a cab at each end and were rated for 75mph operation, each has a GM 12N-710G3B-EC two stroke power unit rated at 3200hp, and give a continuous tractive effort of 57,000ibf, which is less than the Clss 60, but more than the Class 47, 56, 57 and 58. GB Railfreight ordered 21 locos including 66754 betwean September 2013 and February 2014.
These 66's initially hauled biomass and infrastructure trains. Northampton Saints was named on the 22nd April 2025 to celebrate the Rugby clubs most successful season in 60 years.